Our Promise
Families require careful nurturing. There are no secret recipes or shortcuts. You can see it as a mother tends to her children, just as a family farmer cares for his land and livestock. The commitment to the best for your family drives every decision we make because we want the best for our family, too. We do not compromise on the ingredients we select or the processing methods we use or the superior taste you've come to expect. We're proud of all the products that bear our family name: Oberweis. It's a promise to your family that what you're about to enjoy has been sincerely cared for in every possible way, earning the label proudly worn on the package. Oberweis. Simply The Best.
Find our productsFarmer's Pledge
We, the families who care for cows that produce milk for Oberweis Dairy, are proud to pledge that we will:
Never use artificial growth hormones.
Only provide milk that is free of antibiotics.
If a cow gets sick, we will treat her back to health using the best available medicines but not use her milk again until it is free of antibiotics.
Treat our cows humanely.
Do nothing different than if our children and families were drinking all of the milk we produce.
We pledge all of this so that your family can drink Oberweis milk with confidence. We understand that if we fail to meet these obligations, we will no longer have the privilege of providing milk to Oberweis Dairy.